October 31, 2009


THE TODAY SHOW  photo | Al Roker, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira

Photo from People.com

October 28, 2009

Announcing Agnes Fox Press

Agnes Fox Press is Brian Baldi, Joshua Bolton, Lewis Freedman, Seth Landman, Natalie Lyalin, Nathaniel Otting, Lyndsey Cohen Parker, Seth Parker, Emily Toder and Lesley Yalen.

Our website is agnesfox.wordpress.com

We have some really good projects in our collective mind. We are going to get them out into the world, but first we have a lot of work to do.

I'm really excited to work with these people. These people are smart. We will do good things together.

October 22, 2009

A Reading

*Not reading due to technical impossibilites, but these people are: Maureen Thorson, Jules Cohen, Lee Norton, John Surowiecki, John High, and John Coletti. Also, Live music by Frank Hoier and Holy Spirits.@ Shelton Walsmith's Studio,267 Douglass St., Brooklyn, USA*
J.Lo: <span class=

Please enjoy Jennifer Lopez and her amazing pink dolphin purse.

I'm going to read (via video) at the Ugly Duckling Presse's 6x6 magazine release party for issues #18 and #19 on November 18th (7:30 pm @ the Shelton Walsmith Studio, Brooklyn, NY).

I will be reading on a video screen because I'm currently in Jerusalem. This is the downside of being abroad--not being places in person but rather in video. But the upside is that I get to make a video.

There will be many amazing poets reading and you should go. Go, it will probably be very cool out. It is fall, and you should enjoy this and listen to poems.

October 20, 2009

These Nice Things

I like the blog of Karyn Starr.

Julie Juliette Press presses and makes gorgeous things.

Publishing Genius is publishing Rachel B. Glaser's first book, a collection of short stories, called Pee On Water (Summer 2010).

Oh oh, and and over at Delirious Hem Danielle Pafunda and Mark Wallace have curated This is What a (Pro)Feminist [Man Poet] Looks Like. You should run over there and read it.

October 8, 2009


The only video of Anne Frank.

Nina Simone singing Eretz Zavat R'รก'lav U'dvash, or A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey.

October 5, 2009

Saltgrass #4

The 4th issue of Saltgrass is out. It contains the work of these people:

Laura Solomon, G.C. Waldrep, Cecily Iddings, Anne Boyer, Ben Mirov, Ish Klein, Claire Hero, Hugh Merwin, Jason Bredle, Karla Kelsey, Lisa Ciccarello, Danielle Pafunda, Brett Price, Genya Turovskaya, Maureen Thorson, Ron Rash

Go here for sample poems and then buy a copy for $5.

A serious bargain for an amazing collection of writers.

October 1, 2009

New & Exciting

Maggie Nelson's Bluets and Rachel Zucker's Museum of Accidents finish out Wave Poetry's 2009 series. Find them here.

This is not new per se, but it is a new development--this blog has devoted serious effort to the praise of a band called Reactor No.7. Josh Bolton was the lead singer. You can read all about him and the rest of the band here.

Publishing Genius wins a Best Of Baltimore award. Because there are many awesome things about PG, not the least being the success of Shane Jones and his book, Light Boxes.

Oh, and Heather Christle is giving away her book!