December 30, 2009

Things That Glitter

GlitterPony 9 is now out in world.

Perhaps you want to head over there and read some great poems.

These people are in the magazine:

Brad Flis
Brian Foley
Rachel B. Glaser
Michael Kelleher
Hoa Nguyen
Lisa Olstein
Heather Overby
Cassandra Smith
Michelle Taransky
Brennen Wysong
Elisabeth Workman
Lesley Yalen

Here are some things that are sparkly: This and this and this.

And happy new year to you and yours from me and Crystal Gayle.

December 22, 2009

On GlitterPony

GlitterPony 9 is almost ready to go live! We have an amazing lineup of poems in this issue--each ready to pummel you with greatness!

We are lucky to have Tristan Benedict-Hall of A Mystery in Common custom design the cover for this issue--it is an unusual and exciting cover, a real treat for the eyeballs. The flower garland on the left is but a small peek at the design.  

Look out for GP9 sometime next week.

Also, think about sending us some poems. You can do that by clicking here.

And / or sign up for our mailing list--we only contact you three times per       calendar year--when a new issue of GP is out.

Glitter balls to  you all.

December 20, 2009

Two Fantastical Chapbooks

Two chapbooks are now out in the world and you should consider checking them out.

The first is Christopher DeWeese's Fireproof Swan, from Factory Hollow Press.

Chris' poems always deliver the goods. Here is a little pinch from inside Fireproof Swan:

"You've got to do what I say/when I'm on fire:/plane all growth/and keep retiring your colors./Rust burns a chemical silhouette/when I'm a machine,/a factory full of pans."

Yes, I'll take two, please.

This next chappie is from the wonderful Julia Cohen. Julia's chapbook is called For the H in Ghost, from Brave Men Press. 

Julia recommeds you buy a copy for your mom, along with a snuggie. I second this suggestion.  Julia will surely dominate your mind with her terrific poems and you will have a better holiday season because of it. I'll take a bundle of these stunning chappies, for the road.

December 15, 2009


My current favorite title is Gillian Conoley's Some Gangster Pain. I think about it this title a lot. That is, it surfaces on my brain and I get a punch in my stomach because it is so good, so brilliant.

What title punches you in the stomach?

December 9, 2009

"It is wonderful and magical to see a giant American Black Bear put his arm around a Bengal tiger and then to see the tiger nuzzle up to the bear..."

This is photo I saw on Sympotien, a blog I read almost every day. There are other gorgeous photos + good music + neato books + fishing + other awesome things on the blog. Also, this is the blog run by my brother-in-law, Noah. He's awesome.

Laurel Snyder's book, Any Which Wall, reviewed on bookslut. Her book sounds great for kiddos and the people who read to them.

This story will make you a bit weepy, but in a good way. It's about animal friends. (Thanks, Seth Landman, for sending it along!)

That's my mac n' cheese she's talking about.

December 3, 2009

A review of P & HPH is up on Tablet. Thanks to David Kaufman for the careful reading and overall thoughtfulness.

December 2, 2009


52 seconds of Marilyn Monroe.

November 28, 2009

Delicious Bits

Leveler (Eds. Jennifer H. Fortin, P.J. Gallo, Evan Glasson, and Yotam Hadass) is a new online poetry journal. It is quite nice.

Matchbook (Eds. Brian Mihok and Edward Mullany) publishes "short fiction and indeterminate prose." It is quite smart.

Both publications focus on the creative work and the critical thought. These are presented side by side and offer the reader a glimpse into the author's ideas (Matchbook) and an editor's impressions (Leveler).

Both are super interesting to read.

Also, Travis Nichols wrote this for The Huffington Post.

Illustration is from Spider Pie, by Kim Smith. I found her illustration by googling "delicious bits" which happens to be the slogan of her blog. Delicious, indeed.

November 24, 2009

How Lovely!

Monsters in the Bushes Print

More lovely here.

But on a different note....

November 19, 2009

Word Association with Seth Parker!!!

Word Association!

I asked Seth Parker, editor/founder of Skein Magazine, and author of devastatingly gorgeous poems to word associate with me.

Here are the results:

Thither: Wither

Crime: Slime

Crimson: Cloak

Festival: Charades

Horse: Palindrome

JFK: Lobster

Jackie O.: China

Vav: Yad

Salt: Pfeffer

Fawnzelle: Springtime

Serious: Basketball

Golf: Delicate

Maw: Tendril

Cranky: Nerd

Blade: Ring

Crust: Breath

Seething: Dream

Gourd: Enchanted

Gourmet: Vegetable

Cactus: Landscape

Ballet: Swanness

Arson: Chemistry

Dole: Dynamite

Ohio: O

Ohio: Hi

Ohio: O

Here is Seth's chapbook, Beethoven of Smells. It's an Invisible Ear masterpiece.

Here is a poem. And this is not him.

November 18, 2009

On Titles

My dear friend Brian Quinn had the following dream about the origins of Pink & Hot Pink Habitat:

i had a dream last night
that i went into some cupboard
and there were all these candies like laffy taffies
called "habitat"
and there was a pink one
and i was like, "oh. that's how natalie got the name."
i saw a pink one and i was looking for a hot pink one
and i thought, "oh - very clever, natalie!"
there was no hot pink one

November 16, 2009

****Come To This Party****

6x6 Magazine is having a party and you are invited. Your are so lucky! Check this out:

Special UDP Event: 6X6 PARTY
Thursday, November 19, 7:30pm
Celebrate issues #18 and #19
with readings by Maureen Thorson, Jules Cohen, Lucy Ives, Lee Norton, John Surowiecki, John High, and John Coletti.
Live music by Frank Hoier, Boom Chick, and Holy Spirits.
@ Shelton Walsmith's Studio
267 Douglass St., Brooklyn (map)
ST. Gowanus, a geographically pertinent beer from Brooklyn's own Kelso Breweries, will be on tap!

The beer is free-free!

I would go, but I'm far away. I would have to cross an ocean to get there. But you should go, if you can.

p.s. some of my poems are in #19. Yay!

Here, I read a few poems from the magazine (and throw in a bonus poem).

November 15, 2009

“I breathed in an autumn bouquet that combined everything small-town America with rugged splashes of the Last Frontier”

Sarah Palin says this in the opening of her new book. It's kind of a mind twist, that line. NYT reviews said book. (This is not a book recommendation).

I'm reading Chelsey Minnis' BAD BAD. It makes me very happy.

I'm reading Moby Dick. Very slowly, and underlining things with a blue pencil.

I recommend reading these together and separately.

November 11, 2009

Maybe It Is Your Birthday

Or, maybe you need a good song and some animated rain. Here, watch this:

The crocodile (Gene or Genya) sings about the sadness of a birthday only happening once a year. Also, magicians, blue helicopters, ice cream, and harmonicas.

November 5, 2009

New & Exciting

(image courtesy

SUPERMACHINE is a self described "Brooklyn based poetry reading series and literary magazine." It comes from Ben Fama, Shonni Enelow, James Copeland, and Michael Barron.

They have some seriously great readings coming up. For example, tomorrow night these people are reading: Christian Hawkey, Cristophe Casamassima, Jennifer Kronovet, and Macgregor Card.

Matvei Yankelevich has a new book out. It is called Boris by the Sea (Octopus Books, 09).

Barn Burned, Then
And this is Michelle Taransky's book, Barn Burned, Then (Omnidawn Publishing, 09).

And over at HTML GIANT it is Heather Christle week. Other online places are involved as well and chances to win things abound!

Eileen Myles interviews CA Conrad over at Poetry Foundation. Click here to read the interview (and see an original drawing by Paul Killebrew).

October 31, 2009


THE TODAY SHOW  photo | Al Roker, Ann Curry, Matt Lauer, Meredith Vieira

Photo from

October 28, 2009

Announcing Agnes Fox Press

Agnes Fox Press is Brian Baldi, Joshua Bolton, Lewis Freedman, Seth Landman, Natalie Lyalin, Nathaniel Otting, Lyndsey Cohen Parker, Seth Parker, Emily Toder and Lesley Yalen.

Our website is

We have some really good projects in our collective mind. We are going to get them out into the world, but first we have a lot of work to do.

I'm really excited to work with these people. These people are smart. We will do good things together.

October 22, 2009

A Reading

*Not reading due to technical impossibilites, but these people are: Maureen Thorson, Jules Cohen, Lee Norton, John Surowiecki, John High, and John Coletti. Also, Live music by Frank Hoier and Holy Spirits.@ Shelton Walsmith's Studio,267 Douglass St., Brooklyn, USA*
J.Lo: <span class=

Please enjoy Jennifer Lopez and her amazing pink dolphin purse.

I'm going to read (via video) at the Ugly Duckling Presse's 6x6 magazine release party for issues #18 and #19 on November 18th (7:30 pm @ the Shelton Walsmith Studio, Brooklyn, NY).

I will be reading on a video screen because I'm currently in Jerusalem. This is the downside of being abroad--not being places in person but rather in video. But the upside is that I get to make a video.

There will be many amazing poets reading and you should go. Go, it will probably be very cool out. It is fall, and you should enjoy this and listen to poems.

October 20, 2009

These Nice Things

I like the blog of Karyn Starr.

Julie Juliette Press presses and makes gorgeous things.

Publishing Genius is publishing Rachel B. Glaser's first book, a collection of short stories, called Pee On Water (Summer 2010).

Oh oh, and and over at Delirious Hem Danielle Pafunda and Mark Wallace have curated This is What a (Pro)Feminist [Man Poet] Looks Like. You should run over there and read it.

October 8, 2009


The only video of Anne Frank.

Nina Simone singing Eretz Zavat R'á'lav U'dvash, or A Land Flowing With Milk and Honey.

October 5, 2009

Saltgrass #4

The 4th issue of Saltgrass is out. It contains the work of these people:

Laura Solomon, G.C. Waldrep, Cecily Iddings, Anne Boyer, Ben Mirov, Ish Klein, Claire Hero, Hugh Merwin, Jason Bredle, Karla Kelsey, Lisa Ciccarello, Danielle Pafunda, Brett Price, Genya Turovskaya, Maureen Thorson, Ron Rash

Go here for sample poems and then buy a copy for $5.

A serious bargain for an amazing collection of writers.

October 1, 2009

New & Exciting

Maggie Nelson's Bluets and Rachel Zucker's Museum of Accidents finish out Wave Poetry's 2009 series. Find them here.

This is not new per se, but it is a new development--this blog has devoted serious effort to the praise of a band called Reactor No.7. Josh Bolton was the lead singer. You can read all about him and the rest of the band here.

Publishing Genius wins a Best Of Baltimore award. Because there are many awesome things about PG, not the least being the success of Shane Jones and his book, Light Boxes.

Oh, and Heather Christle is giving away her book!

September 21, 2009

The Divine Magnet

Since I'm far away and not able to do readings in the States I will do them worldwide.

That is, Seth Landman and Invisible Ear will broadcast a series of my readings for an invisible amount of time. This will be called The Divine Magnet Reading Series.

The first installment is here.

Thank you, Seth, for your generosity and your brain ability, which are both immense.

The above image is Dangers of the Whale Fishery and was painted in 1820 by W.Scoresby.

September 20, 2009

This Is Where I Want To Be

The animated world in Wes Anderson's upcoming film, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, looks like what I wanted the world to look like when I was little.

I think I still want it to look like this--small and delicate and exciting.

September 17, 2009

In Amherst Tonight

Tonight is the world premier of the film WHEN YOU THINK OF IT by the good people of notnostrums.

I would say run to this film premiere if you should find yourself in Western Mass. tonight. Also, run to it when it comes to
NYC and Philadelphia.

This is what notnostrums wants you to know about WHEN YOU THINK OF IT:

This is a movie. Not Lone Star. Not The Loneliness of the Long Distance
Runner. Not Pillow Talk. Not All That Heaven Allows. Not The Awful
Truth. Not Blazing Saddles. Not The Crying Game. Not Every Man For
Himself. Not Ship of Fools. Not The Lady Vanishes. Not Dark Victory.
This is a notnostrums movie. In this movie people are reading poems in
many places.

It is playing tonight (September 17th) at 7pm in Amherst Cinema, in Amherst, MA.

September 16, 2009

GlitterPony 8

glitter flashImage by rouwkema via Flickr

With the small madness of relocating to Jerusalem I neglected to mention the new issue of GP. Jon and I worked really hard to bring this one together. Especially Jon, who created the cover and does so much of the technical stuff behind the scenes. We are really happy with this issue. And as with each one, I think this is my favorite. That is, until December, when issue #9 comes out....then I will love it more and then I will love them all the same.
<span class=

September 9, 2009

New & Exciting

A SH Anthology from Fact-Simile is now available.

It contains work by the following people: Elizabeth Robinson, Sara Veglahn, Erik Anderson, Selah Saterstrom, Noah Eli Gordon, j/j/[pleth, Elizabeth Rollins, Andrew K. Peterson, Hayes & Cooper & Geoffrey Gatza.

Here it is closed:
And now open(!):

All the text is written on these scroll shaped pieces of paper! That's brilliant and beautiful.

September 2, 2009

What Happens When

Paris: Something's Fishy! | Paris Hilton

This is what happens when Paris Hilton travels.

This is what happens when Anna Wintour goes to work.

This is what happens when Lawrence Giffin's Get the Fuck Back Into That Burning Plane is reviewed.

August 25, 2009


Musical stars Madge Elliott and Cyril Ritchard...Image by State Library of New South Wales collection via Flickr

Some friends got married in New Hampshire.

It was a magical event. No, like really magical.

We all looked around and felt loving and loved.

This is not them, but this is the feeling

that was had.

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August 14, 2009

A Mystery In Common

A Mystery In Common makes amazing t-shirts. Tristan Benedict-Hall is behind all the beauty. He also made amazing wedding invites for my brother and sister-in law. He makes many beautiful things and it is fun to wear them.

The above design is called "Stick Together", and there are more for the discovering.

August 13, 2009

Coming Not Soon Enough

On September 1st Dara Wier's selected poems will be published from Wave Books. It will be a hot rocket of poetry and I can't wait to read it.

Here it is, in tiny form.

August 7, 2009

jill bliss[2531355312_bccef7423f.jpg]

The above illustrations are done by Jill Bliss.

She kindly gave GlitterPony one of her illustrations
for our issue 7 cover.

Thanks, Jill!

August 3, 2009

Do Not Underestimate Any of Your Organs

This NYT article on the spleen illuminates an organ long-thought to be relatively irrelevant in western medicine.

A special visit....

Yesterday, Seth Landman, killer poet, whale lover, an overall dynamo, came to visit. He dropped off two incredible treats:

1) The new issue of Invisible Ear (#4)! Wow. From the blue cover, to the poems inside, to the cover art ( a prototype of a design by Seth's father) this magazine is tight.

2) The second chapbook from Invisible Ear's chapbook series: Brian Baldi's Lunar Asparagus. A choice slice of epicurean and asparigusian delight. 

lunar asparagus0002

July 31, 2009

Excitement !

The new issue of notnostrums is out! This is number 3. It is gorgeous and spooky and full of amazing poetry.

Heather Christle's book is now available for pre-order! This is major.

the difficult farm

Octopus 12 is live! It is stunning and concise and very sharp. 

July 9, 2009

This is fabulous

Britney Spears, re-imagined.

July 4, 2009

Pink & Hot Pink Habitat is Alive

So excited to see this thing in person! Hooray! P & H P H is out from Coconut Books, run by the enormously sweet Bruce Covey